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Know how to save time and money with little effort 

Content is created company-wide in different departments, often even across national borders. When defining a consistent corporate wording, binding company terminology is therefore a must. Because if everybody in the company speaks the same language, there are fewer misunderstandings. Careful terminology maintenance improves not only the quality and comprehensibility of your documentation in the source language, a consistent and clear company language also simplifies the translation, accelerates the process and saves costs in the long term.

globally -changing
////////////////////////////////////////////  Language can change the world

Terminology management

Wherever you may currently be with your terminology: We will pick you up there. Together with all stakeholders in your company we work out a terminology workflow that is best tailored to your needs.

We can support your team, for example,

  • in establishing a company-wide terminology circle
  • in creating a terminology guide
  • in determining a release and review process

In no time at all, our terminologists accomplish things that you do not have time for. They check and optimise your inventory, accompany the process and provide advice. 

In addition, Transline provides the suitable IT infrastructure. Using the suitable tool saves you up to 60 % of the time for your terminology processes. With Termflow for example: We have developed this tool especially for our customers. It automates the terminology workflow and clearly specifies the workflow steps for all stakeholders.

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Terminology services

Well structured terminology databases do not arise by themselves. There are, however, efficient means to accelerate the finding process and to make it as simple as possible.

When extracting terminology, we very closely examine your existing terminology. We identify so called term candidates and extract them together with the corresponding context sentences.

Based on a terminology clean-up, we create a check list for you with term formation rules. We harmonise terms, set them into their basic form and assign attributes to them. General vocabulary and unnecessary special characters are removed, synonyms are assigned to one another. 

Your regular Transline translator takes charge of the translation of the terminology released by you in the source language into the desired target language. We would be glad to advise you on the localisation of your product names and brand names.

Particular attention should be devoted to the topic of SEO: Our experts find search engine-optimised key words for you in the desired target language.

Request terminology service

60 % fewer queries by translators – with clearly defined terms you save valuable time.

Be on the safe side in the legal sense – clearly defined terminology avoids misunderstandings and mistakes.

More efficient and more economical – systematic terminology work pays off in the long run.


You can find further information in our brochure on the topic.

“Even people who speak the same language don't always speak the same language.” /// Willy Meurer

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