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Erfahren Sie von welchen Neuerungen Sie 2025
bei Transline profitieren...
With one ear to customer feedback and the other to the market, Transline is set for an innovative future. At this year’s tekom conference in Stuttgart, we once again demonstrated our ability to combine the latest technologies with service-oriented customer support.
Our conference presentations were extremely well received: Diana Winokur and Oksana Mikitisin lectured on machine translation and post-editing, with over 100 attentive listeners choosing to attend the early morning session, rather than going straight to the coffee bar. The interest in our best-practice approaches in the field of machine translation was equally high, so lots of participants came to enquire at the Transline stand. The two workshops on Simplified Technical English according to ASD-STE100, run by Oksana Mikitisin, were so well received that she was immediately booked for another course by the tekom regional group in Baden. In addition to its presentations at the tekom conference, Transline also offers online and in-house training sessions throughout the year on all translation-related topics.
At this year’s tekom event, Transline presented two technological innovations to its customers: the new Termflow terminology tool was praised for its fresh new design, intuitive user interface and carefully thought-out basic functions. “Simply cutting-edge,” enthused one excited customer.
“In our work for and with our customers, we always notice things that can still be optimised,” explains Saša Tripković, who is responsible for process and quality management at Transline. “Suggestions and requests from our customers are then incorporated into our comprehensive developments. This means that our web-based tools offer numerous clever functions that save Transline customers both time and money.”
The new high-performance customer portal, TBlue, met with particular approval: the integrated visual review tool for simplified customer proofreading was especially popular, as was the AI-based query management tool, which remembers questions and provides intelligent answers. Some Transline customers will start benefiting from TBlue in the new year, with its streamlined processes and a modern, intuitive user interface.
This year, in addition to its innovations in process technology, Transline also presented the strengths of its group portfolio for the first time: thanks to synergies with its affiliated companies Wordflow, Medax and Interlanguage, customers now also benefit from exceptional expertise in the translation and localisation of software, SAP products, medical and pharmaceutical texts, and multimedia formats.
And next year? “We’re already bursting with new ideas,” reveals Anja Gebauer, CSO at Transline. “But the positive energy and constructive discussions at the trade fair are above all the fuel for a successful implementation of our customers’ projects.”
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