Time to shine with Transline

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Today, dentists worldwide rely on the engineering expertise of Dürr Dental – and Dürr Dental relies on Transline to ensure optimal quality for its multilingual documentation.

At Transline, Christine Schmid coordinates translation projects for DÜRR DENTAL for marketing and technical documentation material. This includes not only the translation itself, but also incorporation of proofreading at the customer, terminology projects, marketing reviews and DTP services into the workflow.

“The projects for DÜRR DENTAL are multifaceted,” explains the Transline project manager. “The customer uses the MyTransline Language Portal as well as our own in-house ‘Termflow’ tool for efficient terminology workflow management. In addition, the Across crossWeb editorial mode is used to simplify reviews by the customer's editors. Despite the high level of automation, new project-dependent requirements still make modification of the workflow and configurations necessary. This keeps working with DÜRR DENTAL exciting and interesting!”


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