Wir gestalten die Zukunft der Übersetzungsbranche.
In einer zunehmend technologisierten Welt gestaltet die
Sprachenbranche den Wandel maßgeblich mit.
Erfahren Sie von welchen Neuerungen Sie 2025
bei Transline profitieren...
Over the course of 3 talks, Transline experts shared their knowledge and experience with a group of interested professionals:
Transline's founder Dr-Ing. Wolfgang Sturz talked about the relationship between translation and adaptation, a topic that he connected to one of the latest translation trends: transcreation.
The highlight of Transline's contributions was a speech about best practices, which used the scenario of centralisation in translation service provision and beyond as an example: Saša Tripković, Chief Production Officer at Transline, together with Viktor Rempel and Adrian Schröder from Miele, reported on how a standardised translation process was created out of established diversity. You can read the case study in our tekom newsletter
While enjoying some after-work beers, pretzels and meatballs, we received a visit from Pascal Rösler, who paddleboarded from Munich to the Black Sea last summer to raise awareness about water protection. “It was an intensive encounter with people and nature – and with myself,” he reported, and he proudly showed us his stand-up paddleboard, which is covered in messages from well-wishers in many different languages. Transline sponsored his mission by providing “pro bono” translations.
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