Wir gestalten die Zukunft der Übersetzungsbranche.
In einer zunehmend technologisierten Welt gestaltet die
Sprachenbranche den Wandel maßgeblich mit.
Erfahren Sie von welchen Neuerungen Sie 2025
bei Transline profitieren...
The “Best Service Providers for SMEs 2022” market analysis asks decision-makers from medium-sized German companies to rate service providers according to essential criteria. The result: out of the twelve providers evaluated, Transline ranked first place among translation agencies and language service providers for the third year running.
“We are very pleased to see our high quality standards getting this kind of recognition,” says Jakob Fuchs, Head of Key Accounts at Transline. “Our team's outstanding expertise combined with our focus on the market's requirements will continue to provide the foundation for a trusting, cooperative partnership in the future.”
The WirtschaftsWoche survey reveals which service providers SMEs like to work with across 41 sectors. The survey measures factors such as customer satisfaction, product quality, consulting and support services, service quality, staff competence and price-performance ratio.
The ranking reflects the results of an online survey completed by 12,844 participants from professional and management levels, conducted by the Cologne-based market research institute ServiceValue.
The survey proves that, when it comes to the service industry, personal contacts are what determine the success or failure of a business relationship. We would like to thank our customers for their trust and positive feedback. It is both recognition of what we have achieved and an incentive to continue performing to the best of our ability.
We are here for you – make your personal appointment with our problem-solvers online now.
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