Second company merger in 2019

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Specialized in medical and pharmaceutical translation

Translation service provider medax has specialized in medical and pharmaceutical translation for over 50 years. The company, based near Munich in Olching, Germany, enjoys an excellent reputation in the industry. Effective immediately, medax is now a member of the Transline Group. The team supporting owner C. Martin Dunne will remain unchanged at Olching.

For anyone who translates for customers in the medical and pharmaceutical industries, extensive, specialized skills are a must at both linguistic and medical and pharmaceutical levels. Translation service provider medax offers more than five decades of specialization in these areas of translation. The multilingual team of foreign-language experts – all with university degrees – work in Olching, just a few kilometers northwest of Munich, Germany. Born in England, owner C. Martin Dunne is a trained osteopath. Ursula Dunne manages administration, and Sandra Stengel is responsible for production and quality management.

medax works with a pool of freelance translation specialists around the world. Most are qualified medical doctors, pharmacists, or chemists, or have training in a subject area related to medicine. In addition, they are also trained specialist translators with many years of experience in medicine, pharmaceutics, or chemistry. Each is selected in accordance with the strict requirements of ISO 17100 and translates into their native language.

medax also provides specialist translations for the cosmetics industry and related areas such as medical technology or dental medicine, as well as for its core areas of medicine, pharmaceutics, and chemistry. The company's offerings range from written translations, interpretation services, and certified translations to terminology management for its customers.

Synergy effects are the goal

Together, medax and Transline are aiming to achieve synergy effects in IT, finance, HR, marketing, and business processes, in particular. The team at Olching will remain unchanged. Likewise, medax will retain its recognized brand for medical and pharmaceutical translation services.

Owner C. Martin Dunne is “glad and definitely proud to be handing over a company that is as vital as we are to a partner with such rich resources and qualifications. We are all looking forward to continuing our work under the Transline umbrella. In addition, I’m certain that this cooperation will provide new opportunities for both our employees and for us as a company.”

Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Sturz, founder of the Transline Group, explains, “The challenges faced by translation service providers like us are steadily increasing. If you want to both surmount the challenges and continue to provide the highest possible quality and excellent processes for your customers, you must take advantage of every opportunity to become more efficient and secure your position in the market. Furthermore, we will also benefit from the profound level of expertise in medicine and pharmaceutics that is the foundation of the strong medax brand.”

Focus Business: Transline ist Top Arbeitgeber 2019

FOCUS Business, a well-known German business magazine, officially counts Transline among the top employers in 2019. The company is the only language service provider in Germany to receive this award.

medax – From one original into another.
medax has more than five decades of experience in the market for specialist medical and pharmaceutical translations. The highly specialized company based in Olching, Germany, has worked hard for its excellent reputation and is considered an industry leader in quality. The multilingual team in Olching consists entirely of foreign-language experts who hold university degrees. In addition to this, the company has a pool of specialist freelance translators located all over the world who are selected based on the strict requirements of ISO 17100. Each and every one has specialist expertise in medicine, pharmaceutics, or chemistry, and many years of experience in one of these core areas.

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