Corporate culture of appreciation

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Transline employees feel happy in their workplace. For the second year in a row, they praised the translation service provider in the public rating platform kununu. Focus Business magazine has listed Transline as a “Top employer 2020” among medium-sized businesses.

The basis is more than sound: around four million kununu evaluations from employees and more than 900,000 medium-sized companies in Germany were analysed by kununu together with Focus Business magazine. To make the shortlist, a company needed at least ten ratings and an overall score of at least 3.5 points, on a scale of 1 to 5. The employee recommendation rate needed to be above 70 per cent.

Transline Deutschland easily fulfilled these criteria: kununu lists a respectable 37 reviews of Transline from employees, and most of them are excellent. One review praises the conduct of management as “absolutely fantastic”. Respect is also highly valued at Transline: “Honest criticism and feedback are given, but there is no lack of praise when you’ve done something well. And goodies are also a regular feature, which makes work a lot more fun.”

Whether it’s about team spirit, the type of work or communication, professional development, salary and social benefits, or the oft-cited work-life balance: Most employees at Transline don’t hesitate to give good ratings.

New ideas for a better quality of life

Katja Schabert, CEO of Transline Deutschland: “When people are happy at work, they tend to stay healthy, enjoy coming to work and deliver good results, not to mention the positive influence this has on their overall quality of life. This is exactly what we’ve been striving for very consciously for years now – and we’re delighted that our efforts are paying off, as the feedback of our employees on our corporate culture shows.”

The company is also happy to take on suggestions from employees, such as implementing measures to make work in the open-plan office more pleasant. Katja Schabert: “The plans are all in place: next year, we will make changes to the office layout so that our employees can enjoy their work even more and concentrate better.”

Responsibility for fitness and health

Transline’s commitment to its employees and a pleasant working environment is reflected in numerous details, including professional health management in cooperation with PT Reutlingen, a fitness club. Transline pays for information sessions, practical health tips and club cards for the gym, and provides fresh fruit and vegetables from local organic farms to its employees.

Many employees appreciate the flexible working hours and the opportunity to work from home, if the job permits. In addition to pension contributions, Transline also supports its employees by offering high-quality training courses that enable them to further develop their personal and professional skills. Hans-Jürgen Gabel, Head of the Accounting department, notes that he has worked at several different companies in the course of his career, “but nowhere else has the management style been so consistently geared to the well-being of the employees – it’s really open, transparent and appreciative.”

Good working atmosphere for satisfied clients

These qualities don’t just have a positive impact on the satisfaction of the employees, they are also reflected in their work. And this, in turn, makes Transline’s clients happy, as they are dealing with friendly, motivated and dedicated teams who simply do a good job.

“One thing is clear: our employees, their expertise and enthusiasm are the most important assets in a competitive market,” says CEO Katja Schabert. “Our company can only be successful in the long-term if our employees are happy. And our work is then also twice as much fun.”

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